
数据和分析服务 莫泽技术 数据和分析服务 莫泽技术

利用数据的力量 & 分析 to Boost Efficiency and Results for Grant-Making Organizations

Grant-making organizations are constantly looking for ways to improve their workflows and outcomes. Many organizations use software products like Fluxx to organize their grant award processes with mixed results. 虽然这些产品很有用, they often lack reporting functions that can provide a more complete view of the organization's grants and where they stand in the process. That's where Moser Data and 分析 experts come in. Our experts can connect your grant-making software data with data from other sources, 包括调查结果, 人力资源软件, 会计软件, 和更多的. 结果是深远的, and will help to optimize your business processes, 节省时间, 确定偏差, 并提供集中的数据和报告. 

数据和分析服务 萨莎总数 数据和分析服务 萨莎总数

How to Design Mobile Dashboards in Tableau like a Pro

As data-leveraging tools grow more powerful than ever, so has our desire for quick and convenient access to insights. Tableau’s mobile layout feature allows users to quickly reference the data they need regardless of circumstance. Read along for several tips to seamlessly convert your existing Tableau dashboards to a mobile layout in a way that is digestible and powerful for your audience.

数据和分析服务 亚历克斯·佩恩 数据和分析服务 亚历克斯·佩恩

APIs: What They Are and Why We Need Them Going Forward

How would a social media app know a user’s google authentication information? 毕竟, google is a separate software and its data is stored separately from that of other applications. The answer is an Application Program Interface (API). APIs are a set of rules and protocols that allow different software programs to communicate and share data. APIs are critical to software and hardware development. 事实上, the mouse and keyboard you are using to navigate this blog post are working correctly because of a well-defined API. It’s important for developers and users alike to understand how their various applications work together seamlessly.

